Disney + / Marvel Streaming Shows
Stunt Office Coordinator
Kelly was reached out to by Hank Amos the Supervising Stunt Coordinator for the three Disney + shows, and was brought on to help organize the stunts department and ensure they ran smoothly. After completing the triple set of shows (Falcon and the Winter Solider, WandaVision, and Loki) she moved on to Ms. Marvel.
Kelly’s job duties were extensive, including but not limited to: scheduling, budgeting, handling stunt personnel, interdepartmental communication, working with vendors, and a variety of paperwork (a full list of job duties can be provided upon request). As Ms. Marvel moved into 2nd Unit Kelly also assisted Hank Amos as he went on to direct.
The Falcon and the Winter Solider would go on to receive Emmy nominations for the new categories of Stunt Coordination (Hank Amos, Dave Macomber) and Stunt Performers (John Nania, Aaron Toney, and Justin Eaton).
Pre-Viz for a fight sequence in The Falcon and Winter Soldier, to see more pre-viz and content you can check out Dave Macomber’s instagram here.
Showcase of the stunt rigging for WandaVision